I have not blogged for sometime and that is because I’ve been really busy of late. However today, Wednesday, Aug 24th is a special day to me because it’s my 42nd birthday. So many good friends emailed, text, face-booked and called me personally to wish me a Happy Birthday. I thought with all the well wishes it would be good for me to extend my thanks and appreciation by writing a short blog.
When I was younger I was the kid that asked a thousand and one questions and my mother would graciously answer most of them. However, there were times that I was not satisfied with her answer to which she would respond, “Son, just keep living.”
What she meant by that was, son I know you don’t understand now but as the years pass and the experiences of life come and go you will. I have to say with all sincerity, momma was right about a lot of things. I thought it would be a fun exercise for me to list a few things that I have learned from these 42 years of life. That may help some of you. And if you don’t understand something that I have listed, then as my momma use to say…..just keep living my friend.
- It could always be worse: I have learned that a bad situation could always get worse. So whatever circumstance God allows me to go through is a chance for me to discover a new nuance of God. Just keep trusting in God and you will discover that as well if you just keep living. Romans8:28
- Contentment is more valuable than millions of dollars in the bank: Over the years I have made vast amounts of money. But whenever I have allowed a spirit of discontentment to rule my spirit, no matter how hard I worked, I could never earn enough money to satisfy. I have learned simply to be thankful for whatever God blesses me with. Just make do with whatever God provides.1Timothy6:6
- Pleasing everybody is very exhausting: You are never going to make everybody happy. So it’s best just to do what’s pleasing to God no matter what people think. Galation1:10
- Life is Short: I have enjoyed my life. If you know me personally I am not afraid of risk and I’m not afraid to speak what’s in my heart. But I have to say that Life has simply come and gone very quickly. If you are thinking about doing it, do it. If you are thinking about starting that business, marrying that girl, having that baby, buying that house…do it. As long as you have sought God with your whole heart, with sincerity and it brings God glory and honor do it. Don’t let man prevent you from living your life. You only have to answer to God and that’s it. James4:14
- There are people who are simply foolish: It has been difficult for me to accept this as a true statement. However, over the years I have come to understand that this is simply a true statement. Some people are simply not going to get what you are teaching them. No matter how hard you try to explain. No amount of talking or persuading is going to change a fool’s mind. I have had to learn not to take it personal when folks take the truth of God’s word and walk right over it. It hurts my heart but although it hurts my heart, it hurts God’s heart even more. Matthew7:6
- Love is the Perfect medicine: This is the most prized life lesson of all. I have learned that loving people is the most intoxicating drug God ever created. Everyone is born into a family no matter how dysfunctional or functional that family is. Your family is still a laboratory that God created to teach each of us the principal of loving each other unconditionally. I have hurt folks in my family very deeply and I have been overwhelmed by the love and forgiveness I have received. I have also been hurt very deeply and yes when giving them love I have watched as God have restored those once broken relationships. If you have not learned anything at all, learn this last thing…the overwhelming value of unconditional love.
I love all who reached out to me on this 42nd birthday (as well as those who did not.) It really meant a lot. Just keep living and most of all keep learning.
Pastor Will Harris.