Wednesday, December 15, 2010

We’ve got help…no really we do!!!!

I have spent the last several weeks investigating and teaching about angels and yea fallen angels too, which by definition a demon is considered to be a fallen angel. Personally around Christmas time my interests seem to peek on the subject matter of the celestial kind. This is especially true as I sit and listen to the different accounts of the birth of Christ being read or retold, usually by some little kid reading from a poem that he/she has had to memorize for their Church’s Christmas pageant. My wife will certainly attest to the truth that I have a very vivid imagination. So, with that being said, whenever I read about angels appearing in the scriptures, whether these angels are singing or relaying messages to someone in particular, my imagination just kicks into high gear. Lets look for example at Luke’s account of the birth of Christ.

Dr. Luke, in Luke chapter 2, records that the Shepherds were in the fields watching over their sheep and the Angel of the Lord appeared and announced to them that Jesus the Christ had been born that day in their part of the country. Now when most people read that, they may just think “oh, how nice some sheep herders spoke to some Angles, wow that sounds pretty cool.” Not me man, remember I warned you earlier about this imagination of mine. I picture this huge gigantic man looking person. Bigger than any man that I’ve ever seen before. Who to look upon was a picture of strength and elegance. I also picture that the Angel himself had a brilliance about him self. I mean a glow or glory that just seemed to emanate from his entire body. Kind of like a radiance that is so bright and dazzling that to look upon is almost blinding to the naked eye. I could go on but I think your getting the picture that’s in my mind. And it’s true…I do think in color. While investigating the angelic activity in scripture I realized that Angels play a huge role in helping the people of God finish the work of God while living here on earth.

Let me explain, check this out Heb1:13-14 “But to which of the angels said he at any time, Sit on my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool?14 Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation? Now at this point we have learned that context, obviously, is the number one rule to help us learn the bible. So, before we break this passage down let me try and give you the context.

Paul, I believe, is writing to the Hebrews of his day. Of course this should be obvious given the title of the epistle or letter itself. It would appear from the beginning of this letter that Paul was writing with the intent to prove to these Hebrews that Jesus was indeed the messiah that they (Hebrews) all were waiting for. Paul, as part of proving the Messiahship of Jesus explained that Jesus, that young man from Galilee, was active and responsible for creating the universe. Paul also goes on to explain that angels worshiped this Jesus, this man from Galilee. This of course should have been an obvious clue or sign for them that this Jesus was no ordinary man. Their own sacred writings clearly stated that only God was to be worshiped, yet all Jews everywhere knew that this baby was worshiped by angels whenever he was born in Bethlehem.

Ok, now armed with that bit of context, Paul says something about angels in verse 14 that I find very interesting. Paul says, “Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation” Now, remember the context is about Jesus, his Messiahship and Angels. Now in verse 14 Paul refers to these angels as “ministering spirits.” Paul is letting us know that these celestial messengers are sent forth to also minister for the heirs of salvation. Heirs of Salvation are those folks who have placed their faith in Jesus Christ. So then we need to examine this word minister to fully understand what angels are supposed to do for us, who are the heirs of salvation? Again that is what Angels are sent forth to do. They are sent forth to minister. To minister means to: comfort, to care for, to attend to, to protect and to serve. So then we, that is, those of us who are heirs of salvation, have Super Natural Angelic help to assist us in accomplishing all the purposes of God in our life.

OK, what does this mean? God is very interested in your success. So then as you pray for God’s Holy Spirit to fill and control you, don’t forget to also call on that heavenly host that God has created as a way of providing you the help you need in time of trouble. Now don’t go getting all confused and judgmental on me. I am in no way saying that we should pray to angels because that would be unbiblical. I am saying that your prayers should be for God to give charge over his Angels to come down and help you whenever you need it. It works, friend, it works. Let me tell you what happen to me just this morning.

I was on my way to work. And my car has been running really hot. I don’t have the money to fix it. So I woke up this morning and prayed for God to send his Angels to help keep my car from over heating. I had to get to work on time and didn’t want to be late and my only source of transportation was this car that is constantly overheating. My God came through. As I was driving, the car was starting to really get hot, but about that time I really began to pray specifically for God to send one of his Angels to fix the car and keep it from overheating. Just as I was beginning to pray, the temperature gauge was completely in the red and the car was starting to smell. Wouldn’t you know it, just as I said “Amen?” I watched that gauge with my own eyes, go from red to cool, in a matter of seconds, and I drove that car to work without a single problem. I know this may be hard to believe especially for the skeptical of heart, but it happened. Ask me how I know? I was thereJ.

So never forget this simple truth…you have supernatural Angelic help. God indeed has given to us His Spirit to minister To Us inwardly, but don’t forget, that God has also given us His Angels to minister For Us outwardly.


  1. I certainly believe in angels as you have described them except for one thing. You wrote..."whether these angels are singing or relaying messages to someone in particular"...actually we have not one scripture that tells us that angels sing. I think most believe that angels sing because of the Christmas carols we sing...not the inspired Word.

    Enjoyed your post.

  2. You know I have always assumed that Angels sung. And I haven’t tried to prove it out scripturally. Just haven’t given it much thought to be honest. I think you’re right, most folks assume that Angels sing because we do. However check out the passage in Luke that I used in the blog. Luke records for us that the Shepherds witnessd the Angels praising God, i.e. Luke 2:13 "And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God" Now the word praise means literally: to praise, to extol or to sing. I explain in detail because, I feel like the scripture does give to us enough to draw the conclusion that Angels due in fact sing.
    There is also another passage found in Job 38:7 it says "When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy?" And again the word star in scripture is often ascribed to Angels. Just some food for thought.
    I know that there is lot of folks who read this blog so I felt I needed to explain my position on Angels Singing. However read the bible for yourself and draw your own conclusion. I would look to Luke2:11-16, Rev5:11-13 and Job38:7 just for starters. This is one of those subjects that theologians have debated over for centuries and I don’t really think it will ever get resolved until “we all get to heaven what a day of rejoicing that will be, when we all see Jesus will sing and shout the victory.”
    God Bless

  3. Good evening William, and Merry Christmas! It will be soon enough, anyhow. Enjoyed the post; it's always good to be reminded that behind our world, back of it, there is another very real spirit world filled with beings that either serve God or foolishly oppose Him. Interesting topic...
    Hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas. We continue to pray for your ministry. Ian.

  4. Hi William,

    This is my first visit to your blog. I read your comment on Ian's post (The Law of Love, Part 2 of 2) and decided to visit. It's always good to see a fellow brother in Christ sharing his faith.

    I'll have to come back and read this post on angels.

    Blessings and peace.

