How many times have you heard that statement said and began to think "is he really in control" Wars being fought over that black stuff deep beneath the earths surface, Kids killing kids, Same sex marriages, Legalized abortion, Taxation without representation, Athletes making millions to play a game, Preachers running away with secretaries excuse me as I digress.
Me think it tis a fair question to ask "where is God in all this." I want to try and answer that question. Are you ready this because its going to be a dozy ok ladies and gentleman brace yourself “God is still on Throne"
You say preacher that is totally unfair. How is God on the throne when I don't have a job and I don't know how or where my next pay check is coming from? God has taught me over the years that when things are at there absolute worst is when He is at his absolute best. So then let me try and help you get this truth down in your spirit, because truth my friend is like chicken soup for the soul.
God has a vantage point that I can’t see nor understand. Allow me to explain before you stop reading. God can see years into to your future and he knows the benefit that that struggle is going to pay. Someone once said what was meant evil against me God meant it for my Good. So with that bit of truth, adversity has away of introducing a man or woman to them self, right.
Ok I can hear you thinking what does all this mean? When things get dark and they will, walk with God anyway. When times get tuff stay the course don’t stop doing the things you know are good and right. Your marriage is going in the wrong direction Love her man, respect him woman according to God’s word. That child is wayward and rebellious pray more fervently and discipline them according to scripture more earnestly. You can’t find that job, keep looking and keep praying.
Remember God can see far into your future so just keep doing things his way and in time you will see what he saw in you years before.
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