Thursday, September 23, 2010

Change is Good……. I Think!!!

Summer has ended today and cooler days are ahead. Autumn is the season that we have just transitioned into. I don’t’ really know for sure why, but I always seem to forget that autumn is even a part of the four seasons. I think at least for me I forget about autumn because it’s not much different than, say, a late summer. However, according to the calendar summer has ended and winter is sure to come soon. As I write and think about today’s season of change I get the impression that God gave us autumn to give us a few more days to prepare for winter. And if you have lived through a winter in Missouri you definitely need some time to get ready for those blistering cold days ahead.

I think about my life as a God Follower and it seems like I’m always in a constant state of transition. Not preparing for winter necessarily but always it seems preparing, you know what I mean, moving, evolving, converging and modifying.

I remember playing football as a running back in college and being told by several coaches that it’s more difficult for a defender to hit a moving target. So if you want to be successful at this position they would remind me “William you have to keep moving your feet at all times.” I was thinking about that and relating that truth to my Christian life. I just feel that it’s important for any God follower to make sure that they are always moving, transitioning and changing from that old nature into their new nature. And according to scripture that old nature should always be in a constant state of transition. I’m not big on list but I use them occasionally. Lists are useful in helping folks organize and remember their thoughts. So I want to give you six reason why change is good, because most folks if their honest would have to admit that their extremely afraid of change. Ok, six quick things to help you remember why CHANGE is good.

· Change usually means a fresh start

· Change forces you to evaluate the past honestly

· Change helps you to appreciate your past experiences and look forward to knew experiences

· Change gives us new opportunities to impact our future

· Change helps you to see clearly that the way you done it wasn’t the best way to do it

· Change is always going to occur for certain so don’t fight change embrace it

“Be the change you want to see in the world” is a quote from Mahatma Gandhi. This is a really awesome way to view change. So let me leave you with this thought. Instead of complaining about the world and its problems, you become that reason why this world is a better place to live.

1 comment:

  1. I have enjoyed reading this message.I agree with you totally.Change is good and Change will come ready or not.We just have to embrace the Change and seek God for all the answers about what to do during our transition.Be blessed pastor and keep preaching the good news.
